September Build Competition Begins TODAY!

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Sep 072012
The September build competition will begin today!

Let me explain what we are looking for in this competition: We are looking for architectural styles that can be used as the basis for RPG questing towns on KRPG. The first style we are working with is ancient Greek in origin. We welcome anything you can come up with, we just ask that nothing be futuristic.

There are 50×50 lots set up in construct, right behind where the previous build competition took place.

At the end of September we will pick three winners.
First Place
5000 Rupees
250 Skill Levels
Second Place
2500 Rupees
100 Skill Levels
Third Place
1000 Rupees
50 Skill Levels

Concepts that we really like will be incorporated into our World Restoration Project, where we restyle towns and make them into RPG questing towns. An entire town could be styled based on your build!

If you would like to sign up for a lot for this build competition please reply to this thread and I will set you up with a lot. I will reply to you with the lot number you are assigned. If you would like to work with a buddy you may, two players per lot max.


The styling we came up with for Port Octagon.
Minecraft RPG Server Architecture


And the Winner is…

 Construct, Server Events  Comments Off on And the Winner is…
Jul 012012

The winner of our first build competition is……

Buffalo_Bandit with his Pirates of the Caribbean entry! It looks fantastic, and I highly suggest everyone go to Construct and check out his entry! And all the entries!

Portal was the most popular game to build, with three entries. Though the two robots from Portal 2 didn’t get finished in time, GLaDOS did.

Great job to everyone who participated! Thank you!

Our next competition will be for one or two players and the theme is going to be bridges. Once we have a solid plan we will let everyone know! :)

Comments on forums.

Build Competition Has Begun!

 Construct, Server Events  Comments Off on Build Competition Has Begun!
Jun 012012

The competition has begun, all those who signed up in this thread now have a lot in ROW 4 of the Construct Plots in which to build. There are signs designating who gets what plot.

You have until the end of June to finish your creation, but if everyone finishes early we will judge at that time.

Theme: favorite video game something (statue, building, boss, town, etc.)

Please no Pixel Art, that is a separate event for another time.

I can’t wait to see what you build!!